
Our Day 30

Immersion – 30
Présente la conjugaison des verbes irreguliers
“aller”, “venir”, “appeler”, “boire”, “sortir”, “partir”
(Present Tense Conjugation of Irregular Verbs
“aller”, “venir”, “appeler”, “boire”, “sortir”, “partir”)


• Irregular verbs are verbs in French that don’t follow a regular pattern throughout the   conjugation.

• So you need some practice and a little memorization to master the conjugation.

• “être” and “avoir” (the auxiliary or helping verbs) are also irregular verbs, whose   conjugations are discussed in detail in Immersion 24.

Present tense conjugation of “aller” (ah-ley) = to go


    Conjugation          Pronunciation          Meaning     
je vais zhuh veh I go/I am going
tu vas tew vah You go/You are going
il/elle/on va eel/ehl/ohN vah He/she/It/ one goes/going
nous allons nooh-zah-lohN we go/we are going
vous allez vooh-zah-leh you go/you are going
ils/elles vont eel/ehl vohN they go/ they are going


             1. où va ce bus? (ooh vah seh bews) = Where is this bus going?

             2. où va cette rue? (ooh vah seht rew) = Where does this street going?

             3. je vais au cinéma avec mon cousin = I am going to the cinema with my cousin.

             4. Il va à l’école à pied = He goes to the school by walk.

             5. Nous allons au restaurant avec nos amis. = we are going to the restaurant with our                  friends.

             6. Mes parents vont au cinéma = My parents are going to the movie theatre

             7. Mon ami va à Delhi demain = My friend is going to Delhi tomorrow.

             8. Ils vont à l’église. = They are going to the church.

       “venir” (veh-neer)= to come


    Conjugation          Pronunciation          Meaning     
je viens zhuh vee-ehN I come/I am coming
tu viens tew vee-ehN You come/You are coming
il/elle/on vient eel/ehl/ohn vyehN He/She/One comes/coming
nous venons nooh veh-nohN We come/We are coming
vous venez vooh veh-ney You come/You are coming
ils/elles viennent eel/ehl vee-ehhN They come/They are coming


             1. Aujoud’hui, mon frère vient de France = To day my brother is coming from France.

             2. Ils viennent demain = They come tomorrow

             3. Qui vient là? = Who is coming there?

             4. Je viens là pour vous voir. = I come there to see you.

             5. Mon père vient de Londres. = My father is coming from London.

             6. Venez-vous la semaine prochaine? = Are you coming next week?

             7. Mes amis viennent le mois prochaine. = My friends come next moth.

             8. Je ne viens pas là = I’m not coming there.

       “appeler” (ah-peh-ley)= to call


    Conjugation          Pronunciation          Meaning     
j’appelle blahN/zhuh veh I call/I am calling
tu appelles tew-ah pehl You call/You are calling
il/elle/on appelle eel/ehl/ohn ah-pehl He/she/it calls/calling
nous appelons nooh-zah-plohN We call/we are calling
vous appelez vooh-zah-pley You call/you are calling
ils/elles appellent eel/ehl-zah-pehl They call/They are calling


            1. J’appelle mon chien “vity”. = I call my dog “vity”

            2. Elle m’appelle chiot. = She calls me puppy.

            3. Ils appellent le médecin de l’aide. = They call the doctor for help.

            4. Nous appelons nos enfants anges. = We call our children angels.

            5. Pourquoi m’appelles –tu? = Why do you call me?

            6. Ils s’appelle génie. = He calls himself genious.

       “boire” (bwahr)= to drink


    Conjugation          Pronunciation          Meaning     
je bois zhuh bwah I drink / I am drinking
tu bois tew bwah you drink/you are drinking
il /elle/on boit eel/eh/ohn bwah he/she/it/ one drinks
nous buvons nooh bew-vohn we drink
vous buvez vooh bew-vey you drink
ils/ells boivent eel/ehl bwahv they drink


            1. Mon chien boit du lait. =My dog drinks milk.

            2. Je ne bois pas de lait. = I don’t drink milk.

            3. Ma soeur boit du café = My sister drinks coffee.

            4. Ma mère ne boit pas de jus. = My mother doesn’t drink juice.

            5. Buvez-vous le jus? = Do you drink juice?

            6. Ils boivent du thé. = They drink tea.

            7. Buvons un peu de jus. = Let us drink some juice.

            8. Je bois café le matin =I drink coffee in the morning.

       “sortir” (soohr-teehr)= to go out


    Conjugation          Pronunciation          Meaning     
Je sors zhuh soohr I go out/I am going out
Tu sors tew soohr You go out/You are going out
il/elle/on sort eel/ehl/ohN soohrt he/she/one goes out/is going out
nous sortons nooh zoohr-tohN we go out/we are going out
vous sortez vooh zoohr-tey You go out/You are going out
ils/elles/sortent eel/ehl zoohrt they go out/they are going out


            1. Les enfants sortent jouer. = The children go out to play .

            2. Je sors marche. = I go out walking.

            3. Ils sortent des courses. = They go out shopping.

            4. Pourquoi sortez-vous maintenant? = Why do you go out now?

            5. Vous ne sortez pas (formal) = }Don’t go out.
                Tu ne sors pas (informal)

            6. Nous ne sortons pas. = We don’t go out.

            7. Sortons maintenant. = Let us go out now.

            8. Nous sortons en voyage. = We go out on tour.

       “partir” (pahr-teehr)= to leave


    Conjugation          Pronunciation          Meaning     
Je pars zhuh pahr I leave/I am leaving
Tu pars tew pahr You leave/ you are leaving
il/elle/on part eel/ehl/ohN pahrt He/she/one leaves/ is leaving
nous partons nooh pahr-tohN we leave/we are leaving
vous partez vooh pahr-tey You leave/you are leaving
ils/elles partent eel/ehl pahrt They leave/They are leaving


            1. Je pars pour Etats-Unis. = I leave for U.S.

            2. Ils partent maintenant. = They leave now.

            3. Elle part aujourd’hui. = She leaves today./ She starts today.

            4. Les étudiants partent de l’école. = The students are leaving from the school.

            5. Vous parlez pour le bureau. = You are leaving for the office.

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