
Our Day 21

Immersion – 21
Some Basic Question Words and Some Basic Questions

    Word         Pronunciation          Meaning     
1. où ooh where
2. qui kee who
3. à qui ah-kee whose
4. que k who, which
5. quel m/quelle f kehl what, which
6. quand kahN when
7. quel jour kehl zhoor what day
8. à quel heure ahkehl uhr at what time
9. qu’-est-ce que kehs-kuh what
10. quoi kwah which, what
11. pourquoi poohr- kwah why
12. comment kohN mahN how
13. combien kohN byaN how much, how far
14. combien de kohN byaN duh how many
15.combien de temps kohN byaN duh tahN how long


1. Qu’est-ce que c’est? = What is it?, what is this?
2. Qui va là? =Who is going there?
3. Quel est son prénom? = What is his/her first name?
4. Où habitez-vous? = Where do you live?
5. Comment vas-tu? = How are you? (informal)
6. Comment-allez-vous? = How are you? (formal)
7. Quel âge avez-vous? (formal) = How old are you?
    Quel âge as-tu? (Informal) =How old are you?

8. Comment ça va? =How are you doing? Are you ok?
9. Comment tu t’applles? =What is your name?
10. Et lui qui-est-ce? =And who is he?
11. Et elle qui-est-ce? =And who is she?
12. Quand exactement? =When exactly?
13. C’est quel jour? =What day it is?
14. À quelle heure est la cérémonie? =At what time is the ceremony?
15. Combien de personnes avez-vous invité? = How many people did you invite?
16. Quelle heure est-il? =What time is it?
      Il est quelle heure? =What time is it?

17. Combien est le loyer(lwah-yey)? =How much is the rent?
18. Quelle est votre addresse (voh-trah-drehs)?=What is your address?
19. Quelle est l’adresse? =What is the address?
20. Quel est votre métier (mey-tyey) ? =What is your profession?
21. Où travaillez vous? (ooh trah vah-yey vooh) =Where do you work?
22. Pourquoi allez-vous à New York? (pooh-kwah ah-ley-vooh ah new-yohrk) = Why are you going to New York?
23 Quel est le numéro du vol? = What is the flight number?
24 De quels pays? =From which countries?
25 De quelles villes? = From which cities?

Dialogue 1

Sumitha: Aditya, quel âge as-tu?
Aditya: J’ai six ans.
Sumitha: Quelle heure-est-il?
Aditya: Il est huit heures.

Dialogue 2

Aashish: Quelle est la nationalité de Varshini?
Aakash: Elle est Indienne.
Aashish: Sanjeeth est de quel pays?
Aakash: De Amérique.

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