
Our Day 20

Immersion – 20
Present Tense Conjugation of “Avoir”

avoir (ah-vwahr) = to have

    Conjugation         Pronunciation          Meaning     
J’ai zhey I have
Tu as tew ah You have (singular)
Il a eel ah He/it has
Elle a ehl ah she/it has
Nous avons nooh-zah-vohN We have
Vous avez vooh-zah-vey You have (Plural)
Ils ont eel-zohN They have (mas)
Elles ont ehl-zohN They have (femi)


1. J’ai un livre
(zhey uhN lee-vruh)
= I have a book.

2. Tu as un stylo
(tew ah uhN stee-loh)
= You have a pen.

3. Elle a un sac
(ehl ah uhN sahk)
= She has a bag.

4. Il a une pomme
(eel ah ewn pohhm)
= He has an apple.

5. Nous avons du pain
(nooh zah vohN duh paN)
= We have some bread.

6. Vous avez les gâteaux.
(vooh zah vey ley gah-toh)
= You have cakes.

7. Elles ont les billets
(ehl sohN ley bee-yeh)
= They have tickets.

8. Ils ont les crayons.
(eel sohN ley kreh-yoh)
= They have pencils.

9. vous avez un ticket
(vooh-zah-vey-zuhN tee-keh)
= You have a ticket.


“Avoir” is mostly used to express 1. age, 2. hunger, 3. thirst, 4. fear.


1. Il a 17 ans
(eel ah dee-seht ahns)
= He is 17 years old.

2. J’ai faim
(zhey fehm)
= I am hungry.

3. Elle a soif
(ehl ah swahf)
= She is thirsty.

4. Nous avons peur des serpents
(nooh-zha-vohN puhr dey sehr-pan)
= We are afraid of snakes.

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