
Our Day 42

Immersion – 42
“le passé composé”
Past Tense of Regular Verbs – “ The Compound Past”

 • In French we can express the past tense in several ways.

 • The simplest and the most common way is “le passé composé” (luh pah-sey kohN-poh-zey) = the compound past, which is made up of more than one component; the auxiliary verb (“avoir” or “être”) conjucated in the present tense and the past participle of the desired verb.

 • We shall discuss the “le passé composé” with “avoir” verb.


    Present conjugation of “avoir” + the past participle of the desired verb     

        Now we shall   (i) recall the present conjugation of “avoir”

                                (ii) learn the past participles of some regular verbs and then

                                (iii) learn “le passé composé” (the compound past)

        (i) the present conjugation of “avoir”

    ai,as, a, avons, avez, ont     

        (ii) rule to form past participles of regular verbs

                                Group I : Change the “-er” infinitive into “ –é ”

                                GroupII : Change the “-ir” infinitive into “-i”

                                Group III: Change the “-re”infinitive into “-u”

       Table of past participle and past tense

       Group I

    Group I verb          Past Participle          le passé composé/
the past compound tense     
parler parlé J’ai parlé I spoke/I have spoken
I did speak
habiter habité Tu as habité You lived/You have lived
You did live
travailler travaillé Il/Elle a travaillé He/She worked/ He/She has worked
He/She did work
regarder regardé Nous avons regardé We looked/We have looked
We did look
écouter écouté Vous avez écouté You listened/You have listened
You did listen
voyager voyagé Ils ont voyagé They travelled/They have travelled
They did travel
téléphoner téléphoné Elles ont téléphoné They telephoned/They have telephoned
They did telephoned

       Group II

    Group II verb          Past Participle          le passé composé/
the past compound tense     
finir fini J’ai fini I finished/I have finished/I did finish
garantir garanti Tu as garanti You guranteed
choisir choisi Il a choisi He choose
grossir grossi Elle a grossi She put on weight
maigrir maigri Nous avons maigri We reduced
saisir saisi Vous avez saisi You seized
raccourcir raccourci Ils ont raccourci They shortened
remplir rempli Elles ont rempli They fulfilled

       Group III

    Group III verb          Past Participle          le passé composé/
the past compound tense     
répondre répondu J’ai répondu I answered/I have answered/I did answer
répandre répandu Tu répandu You spread
attendre attendu Il a attendu He waited
entendre entendu Elle a entendu She understood
vendre vendu Nous avons vendu We sold
perdre perdu Vous avez perdu You lost
tendre tendu Ils ont tendu They strained
tordre tordu Elles ont tordu They twisted

       Note: The French compound past tense translates all three forms of                   the English past

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  Exercise 1:

              1. J’ai parlé =I spoke/Ihave spoken.

              2. Ils ont parlé=They spoke/They have spoken.

              3. Elle a fini=She finished /She has finished.

              4. Vous avez fini=you finished/you have finished

              5. Nous avons mangé=we ate /we have eaten

              6. Il a mangé la pomme =He ate the apple/he has eaten the apple

              7. Tu as mangé=You ate/you have eaten

              8. As-tu mangé?=Did you eat?/Have you eaten?

              9. Ils ont mangé=They ate/They have eaten.

             10. Ont-ils mangé?=Did they eat?/have they eaten?

             11. Ils n’ont pas mangé=They didn’t eat/They have not eaten.

             12. N’ont ils pas mangé?=Didn’t they eat?/Have they not eaten?

             13. Elle a visité Londre =She visited London/She has visited London

             14. Elle n’a pas visité=She did not visit/She has not visited

             15. N’a-t-elle pas visité?=Didn’t she visit?/has she not visited?

             16. Nous avons allé=We went/ we have gone

             17. Ils ont jouré tennis =They played tennis/They have played tennis

             18. J’ai répondu=I answered/I have answered

             19. Vous n’avez pas répondu=You did not answer/You have not answered

             20. Nous avons entendu=We understood/We have understood

             21. Avez-vous entendu?=Did you understand?/Have you understood?

  Exercise 2: Read the following sentences , identify the verbs, and translate:


habité en France


Il a choisi le fromage


Elles ont dépensé 15 euros

              1. J’ai habité en France

              2. J’ai travaillé en Italie

              3. J’ai reservé les chambres

              4. Elle a écouté la radio

              5. Elle a regradé la télévision

              6. Elle a préparé le rapport

              7. Il a grossi

              8. Il a choisi le fromage

              9. Il a fini le livre

             10. Nous avons copié le document

             11. Nous avons acheté la voiture

             12. Nous avons téléphoné

             13. Vous avez guaranti la plantinlaser

             14. Vous avez saisi l’occasion

             15. Nous avez invité le président

             16. Ils ont maigri

             17. Elles ont dépensé 15 euros

             18. Elles ont traversé la manche

       Past participles of common irregular verbs

    verb          Past Participle     
être été
avoir eu
faire fait
voir vu
pouvoir pu
vouloir voulu
prendre pris

  Note: To form the compound past of the above verbs also use the same             rule given above(Present conjugation of “avoir” + the past             participle of the desired verb)



              1. Nous avons été en re tard=We were late.

              2. Il a eu un message=He had a message


              3. Qu’est –ce que tu as fait?=What did you do?

              4. J’ai vu le directeur=I saw the director.

              5. Vous avez pu téléphoner à votre bureau=You were able to call your office.


              6. J’ai voulu un rendez-vous =I wanted an appointment.

              7. Ils ont pris l’avion=They took the plane.

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