
Our Day 36

Immersion – 36
verbes réguliers Présente la conjugation: Group -ll
(Regular verbs – Present tense conjugations Group – ll)

       Note:     Most of the French verbs whose infinitives ending in “-ir” belong to group – II of                        regular verbs. But all the French verbs ending in “-ir” need not be regular. For                            example partir = to leave, is an irregular verb.

       Rule to form the present tense conjugations of group – II verbs

        Drop the ending “-r” from the infinitive and add the following with the remaining stem         of the verb.


    -s, -s,-t,-ssons, -ssez, -ssent     



       Verb: finir (fee-neer) = to finish

    Conjugation          Pronunciation          Meaning     
je finis zhuh fee-nee I finish/I am finishing
tu finis tew fee-nee You finish/are finishing
il/elle/on finit eel/ehl/ohN fee nee He/she/it/one finishes/is finishing
nous finissons nooh fee-nee-sohN We finish/we are finishing
vous finissez vooh fee-nee-sey You finish/You are finishing
ils/eels finissent eel/ehl fee-nees They finish/They are finishing

       Exercise i:

       Find the present tense conjugation of the following verbs

             1. punir (pew-neer) = to punish

             2. périr (pey-reer) = to perish, to die

             3. réfléchir (rey-fley-sheer) = to think

             4. jouir (zhooh-eer) = to enjoy

             5. unir (ew-neer) = to unite, to join

             6. choisir (shwah-zeer) = to choose

             7. chérir (shey-reer) = to cherish

             8. abolir (ah-bohh-leer) = to abolish

             9. fournir (foohr-neer) = to furnish, to supply

            10. maigrir (mehz-reer) = to reduce

       Exercise ii:

       Fill in the blanks with the proper pronoun

             1. ____ choisis

             2. ____ obéis

             3. _____ finissent

             4. _____ obéit

             5. _____ périssons

             6. _____ réfléchissez

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             1. Je jouis natation. = I enjoy swimming.

             2. Le professeur punit les étudiants pour leur mischieves. = The teacher punishes the                  students for their bad behaviour.

             3. Vous choisissez chocolat. = You choose chocolate.

             4. Je choisis seulement de bons livres. = I choose only good books.

             5. Unissons – nous. = Let us join together/Let us join.

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