
Our Day 15

Immersion – 15
voici, voilà,ll y a

    Wordr         Pronunciation          Meaning     
voici vwah-see here is / here are
voilà vwah-lah there is / there are
Il y a eel-ee-eh there is / there are


1. voici la poste (vwah-see lah pohst) = Here is the post office.
2. voici le musée (vwah – see luh mew-zey) = Here is the museum.
3. voilà les bureaux (vwalah ley bew-roh) = There are the offices.
4. Il y a trois pièces (eel-ee-ah trwah pyehs) = There are three rooms.
5. Il y a des images sur la carte (eel-ee-ah dez-eemez sewhr-lah-cart) = There are some pictures on the map.
6. Il y a une femme dans la chambre (eel-ee-ah ewn fahhm dahN lah sahm-bruh) = There is a lady in the room.
7. II y a des livres sur la table (eel-ee-ah dey lee-vruh sewr-lah tah-bluh) = There are some books on the table.

New words:

1.où (ooh) = where
2.sur (sewhr) = on
3.dans (dahN) = in
4.pièces (pyehs) = rooms
5.carte (khart) = map
6.chambre (shambru) = room

    Questions          Answers    
1. Où est le musée?
(ooh eh luh mew – zey)
= Where is the museum?
Le voici.
(luh vwah-see)
= Here it is/It is here.
2. Où est l’universite?
(ooh eh lew-nee-vehr-see-tey)
= Where is the university?
La voilà
(lah vwah-lah)
=There it is/ It is there
3. Où sont les bureaux?
(ooh sohN ley bew-roh)
= Where are the offices?
Les voilà
(ley vwah-lah)
=There they are/They are there.
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