
Our Day 4

Language focus

English Sentence Patterns

Part- A
Please Read/Listen

Pattern 1: Subject- Verb               (S V)


I work
We play
You listen
He works
My mother plays
Your children and my son play

Please note the subject and verb are the basic elements of a sentence.
Subject is the part of a sentence about which something is stated in the sentence.

Pattern 2: Subject-Verb-Complement                (S V C)


My name is Azad.
Nita and Rita are good friends
We are Japanese.
You are precious to me.
This is my cousin
Those ladies and gentlemen are my neighbours.

Complement: Complements are two kinds: subject complement and object complement.
Subject complement describes the subject while object complement describes the object.

Pattern 3: Subject- Verb- Object              (SVO)


I love you all.
We love everybody.
Joshi sells fresh fish.
Our Japanese friends produce useful things.

Objects are two kinds: direct object and indirect object.
The direct object is directly connected to the verb element of the sentence.
The indirect object is indirectly connected to the verb element through a preposition.

Pattern 4:Subject- Verb- Object- Object Complement              (S- V- O- O C)

People of India elected Desai Prime Minister.
Hard work makes our life pleasant.
We consider the proposal very important.
The blare of car horns drove grandma mad.

Pattern 5: Subject -Verb- Indirect Object- Direct Object              (S-V- I O- D O)


Uncle Chaplin makes our children kites.
My mother bakes us birthday cakes.
Prof. Niharika teaches the British Hindi.
My parents gave me my name.

Pattern 6: Subject Verb-Direct Object- Indirect Object               (S V D O IO)


Uncle Chaplin makes kites for the children.
My mother bakes birthday cakes for us
Prof. Niharika teaches Hindi to the British.
My parents gave my name to me.

Pattern 7: Subject- Verb- Adjunct              (S V A)


We met at 6 o’ clock.
Our children live in Greenland.
They walk fast.
The Syrians are in a state of panic.

Adjunct is an adverb or phrase that adds meaning to the verb in a sentence. Adjunct tells us when, where, how, how often or in what manner something happens.

Pattern 8: Adjunct- Subject- Verb- Object- Adjunct (ASVOA)

Last year we purchased a flat in Bangalore.
Every year Rathika celebrates her son’s birthday in a grand manner.
In China hosts serve tea as soon as guests enter their house.
Even today some people eat fish raw.
tea tea

Activity 1: Read the following story, pick four sentences you like best and identify the pattern of the sentences.

Once there lived a teacher. He was very honest and quite straight forward with everyone he met, particularly his school children. On his first day at school he introduced himself saying he was just an average teacher. As he was a fresher from the college of education and as he didn’t have any exposure to schools he thought he would be an average sort of teacher. So he said to his class children if he worked out four problems two would be right and two would be wrong. Self introduction over, Mr. Straightforward turned to the blackboard to start his lessons. He wrote “Algebra” on the black board and asked his children to define Algebra. As there was no response, he turned to see the class. As can be expected all the students had left the class.

Activity 2: Answer the following questions, write a dialogue using the questions and your answers and then identify the pattern of the sentences.

  1. What’s your name?
  2. Who gave you your name?
  3. Does your name have any particular meaning? If yes, what does it mean?
  4. Do you like your name? Why? Why not?
  5. Do you have belief in numerology?
  6. Would you like to change your name? Why? Why not?
  7. Who usually names babies in your country?
  8. Do you have any special traditions about naming children?
  9. What names are most common in your hometown?
  10. Is it easy to change names in your country?

Model answer

Examiner: Who gave you your name?
Examinee: My dad gave me my name.



Setting Goals


Input Time

Please Read/Listen

Importance of goal setting

Our Goals

“Remove the goal posts from a football court and watch the match. What will be the game like?”
“What will be our life like without a goal?”

Where are you going?

On a warm Sunday around 12p.m. a boy was standing at a crossroads. He did not know which road to take to reach his destination. At that time an old man looking wise came there. The boy requested the old man to direct him to the right road to reach his place. The old man asked the boy where he wanted to go. The boy replied he did not know that. The old man said to the boy with a smile he could take any road.

What would the boy have done?

Those who are headed nowhere generally get there – quickly! We often confuse goals with dreams, desires, or even delusions. Begin reflecting on your plans for the future by analyzing the past.

Who are you? Are you content with yourself? Do you feel you have chosen the right course of studies?

Upon analyzing who you are and where you are, you can better determine where you wish to go. At this point, your goals begin to crystallize. The next step is to plan your time and work your plan. To make your dreams come true and to learn to utilize your time effectively, you must write down your goals and maintain a clear vision of them.

The road to achieving goals is always under construction.

These goals should be all encompassing, including such areas as;

  1. Individual Goals
  2. Family Goals
  3. Institutional Goals
  4. Social Goals
  5. Spiritual Goals

Finally, be sure to set challenging yet attainable goals. And always remember you establish the criteria to determine if the goals are useful. No one else should do that for you!

How to get there?
What do you do to attain your goals?

Accordingly, your next move is to list the activities you must accomplish to reach your goals.

Once you have written down your goals, plan your activities in accordance with the priorities you have in mind. A major consideration in the process is, “How much time it will take to complete these activities and reach the goal?”

“ Waste no time because life is brief.”

In short, you must:

  1. Decide what you want out of your life.
  2. Determine the necessary steps to reach your goals.
  3. Give these activities priority according to their relative importance to fulfilling objectives.
  4. Plan your time and work your plans.

“Choosing the right path you will be wrong to sit there.”

Areas of goal setting:

I. Career goal:

Do you know the career you are cut out for, the one you would enjoy pursuing and doing?

II. Education and training goal:

Is your college education appropriate for your choice career? What kind of training programs have you planned to undergo to excel in your career?

III. Finance goal:

Do you know how much money you need for your education and training? Does your present economic means suffice for your needs?

IV. Health goal:

When we are physically well?

When we are able to forget our body we are physically well and normal.

What are the factors contributing to physical wellness?

Hereditary factors
Food and eating habits

Do you eat the right food in its right quantity and quality at right intervals in the right manner?

Fitness programs
Environmental factors

V. Family life goal:

  1. When should I think about my marriage?
  2. Am I fit for marriage right now?
  3. Am I physically fit for marriage?
  4. Do I have a reasonable degree of emotional maturity to share life with a partner and enjoy the fragrance of marriage all my life?
  5. Is my behavior socially acceptable?
  6. Do I have a deep sense of spiritual realization?
  7. What kind of person should be my partner?(looks, character traits, education, career, economic means, family, social status, spiritual life…)
  8. Am I mature enough to think about my marital life now?

VI. Social life goal:

Do I know what my civic duties, responsibilities and authority are?
Those who love everybody will be able to live every moment.
Agree? Disagree? Partially agree? Comments, please

Those who live every moment in its fullness let others live their life in its fullness, too.
Agree? Disagree? Partially agree? Comments, please

Those who live a purposeful life contribute something substantial towards making the society a better place.
Agree? Disagree? Partially agree? Comments, please

We receive gifts from society to make our life better. So we have a responsibility of leaving the society better.
Agree? Disagree? Partially agree? Comments, please

VII. Recreational activities:

E.g. Reading, writing, gardening, chatting with friends, surfing the net, going on picnics, games and sport, watching movies…
1. _________________
2. _________________
3. _________________
4. _________________

VIII. Spiritual life goal

All of us have a body, mind and spirit. We are able to see the body, feel the mind and realize the spirit, the soul, the TRUE SELF or the presence of God within us.

Spirituality is the quality of being able to love everybody unconditionally and live every moment in its fullness.

GOD is LOVE and LOVE is GOD, both are inseparable.

GOD reflects Himself in every human person.

God is present in every human person in the form of SPIRIT. Those who realize the presence of GOD/SPIRIT within are as divine, as powerful, as creative and as loving as GOD Himself.

Those who LIVE LOVE and PROMOTE LOVE are spiritual leaders. (For spiritual enlightenment please feel free to contact us at +91- 944 2831216 or mail your queries to incideindia@gmail.com Our faculty will answer them.)

The success steps that always help

Step 1: Tune into your positive vision channel.
Step 2: Discover the best within.
Step 3: Enjoy a high self esteem.
Step 4: Set Goals (Career, education and training, finance, health, familial life, social life, recreation and spiritual life)
Step5: Have total self confidence (Believe you can and the how you can will come from within you.)
Step 6: Envision results and enjoy your work.
Step 7: Celebrate success sharing with everyone around and learn from failures
Step 8: Thank God for the gifts you have received.

“Our time on Earth is our life on Earth.”

“When we use our time, we save our time.”

“When we save our time, we save our life.”

“When we pass our time, we lose our time.”

“When we lose our time, we lose our life.”

Are you a time user or a time passer?
Do you run your life yourself towards your most favored destinations?
If you do, you are a successful person.
If you don’t, somebody else will run your life for their fortune.

One Act Plays
Play the roles yourself.
Relax while you learn and learn while you relax.

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